Craniopharyngioma Online Support Group Statistics
as of 12/13/2002

Disclaimer: This information is based entirely on the membership of the Craniopharyngioma Online Support Group and should only be used in that context. It is not necessarily statistically random or representative of the average craniopharyngioma patient. Information such as geographical location should not be interpreted to indicate higher rates of tumors in one location versus another.

MEMBERSHIP Subscribed email addresses: 221 Total registered names: 408 Patients: 209 Caregivers/relatives: 194 Others (medical, etc.): 5 There are 4 subscribers with no patient information, and 4 subscribers where the patient has died. These are not included in the statistics.
PATIENT SUMMARY Number of patients: 209 Male: 97 (46%) Female: 112 (54%) Adults: 105 (50%) Children: 104 (50%)
PATIENTS BY CURRENT AGE 0-5: 8 6-12: 56 13-17: 40 18-35: 61 36-54: 32 > 55: 12 Notes: The youngest is 2, the oldest is 73
PATIENTS BY AGE AT DIAGNOSIS 0-5: 50 6-12: 63 13-17: 30 18-35: 37 36-54: 19 > 55: 10 Notes: Youngest diagnosis was 3 months, oldest was 71. Since anyone diagnosed as an adult is still an adult, the number of adults diagnosed as adults would be 66 (31% of the group).
PATIENTS BY YEARS SINCE INITIAL DIAGNOSIS < 2: 57 2-5: 79 6-10: 35 11-20: 28 21-30: 5 31-40: 3 > 40: 2 Notes: The most number of years since initial diagnosis is 47 (diagnosed at age 3). Don't panic - the descreasing numbers isn't an indication of mortality. It simply means that the more recent the diagnosis, the more need for a support group.
PATIENTS BY COUNTRY Australia: 5 Canada: 10 England: 5 India: 4 Ireland: 2 Israel: 1 New Zealand: 1 Poland: 1 Scotland: 2 Spain: 1 Sweden: 2 Switzerland: 1 USA: 159 Zimbabwe: 1 Unknown: 14
PATIENTS BY U.S. STATE Alabama: 1 Arizona: 2 Arkansas: 2 California: 13 Colorado: 1 Connecticut: 2 Florida: 11 Georgia: 8 Hawaii: 1 Idaho: 1 Illinois: 11 Indiana: 5 Iowa: 2 Kansas: 3 Kentucky: 1 Louisiana: 1 Maryland: 5 Massachusetts: 8 Michigan: 5 Minnesota: 3 Mississippi: 2 Missouri: 3 Montana: 1 Nebraska: 2 Nevada: 3 New Jersey: 4 New York: 6 North Carolina: 5 Ohio: 11 Pennsylvania: 10 Rhode Island: 2 South Dakota: 1 Tennessee: 4 Texas: 7 Utah: 1 Vermont: 1 Virginia: 5 Washington: 2 West Virginia: 1 Wisconsin: 2 No patients from: Alaska,Delaware,Maine,New Hampshire,New Mexico,North Dakota,Oklahoma, Oregon,South Carolina,Wyoming
PATIENTS BY CANADIAN PROVINCE British Columbia: 1 Ontario: 8 Quebec: 1
CAREGIVER/RELATIVES STATISTICS Mothers: 114 Fathers: 49 Wives: 8 Husbands: 5 Other female relatives: 13 Other male relatives: 5 Notes: In the case of parents, it is possible that both parents read the list but only one name is on the email address so there are probably more readers than counted.